Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?

This 'artist' called Candace Marie used to be a model but a record label realized she could sing so gave her a deal.

In just TWO days she went to a LA studio (with big-time producer John Shanks) and recorded eleven songs which made up her entire record in just TWO days.

She had zero creative input and saw the songs, literally, an hour before she recorded them and picked up a big pay cheque.

So what do you think of this cheap kind of music?

Would you buy it? Because somebody is.

: (A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?
I think it sux balls to be honest, but it doesnt surprise me record labels just wont take chances anymore they want to make big bucks and they arnt willing to gamble, for instance look at all the programs like pop idol americas idol wotever is going where you are from , these are testers to see will this music or person sell that simple, but it doesnt stop stupid ppl from watchin voting etc....

There are great musicians and artists out there that simply wont get a chance because of the sheep like behaviour of ppl and the fact they are letting the record labels and media tell them wot to wear buy eat sleep and $hit,ppl have stopped thinking for themselves and big business is taking an advantage of this.A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?
Nah, it's people like that, that have no real passion or creativity in 'their'; music that makes it suck.

Which is why I thank my mom for giving me a Monkees cd when I was younger.
True that i went on itunes and listened to it... pretty sure that was cool in like 2001 now it just sounds cheap!
%26gt;:\ I wouldn't be the one buying 'em. I follow the demographic of 45-60 year old men.
Doesn't sound like music to me...

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